Welcome To River Valley Militaria!

Greetings As some of you know, I have been struggling with health issues for the last 6 - 7 years. Priorities change with these circumstances, and the web site is one of the casualties.
I will keep the site on the web, and if you are looking for a certain item or have something you would like to sell, please contact me. Thank you for your patronage. Paul Martin

The Camouflage Helmets
of the Wehrmacht - Vol.1 and 2
Introducing the most in-depth and comprehensive pictorial study of WW 2 German camouflage helmets. This edition covers four different types of camouflage including sprayed, brushed, textured and wired. The first volume consists of over 300 pages of high quality colored photographs with detailed descriptions and period pictures of camouflage helmets in use. The format used is 8.5” X 11” for closer viewing of specific characteristics. Vol. 2 continues with chapters on nets, combinations of camouflage, a gallery of selected helmets, helmets with provenance and a study on helmet liners.